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Rainbow Fluorite Heart, you will get this exact one.

Healing Properties of Fluorite.

First of all, I have to get it out there. Fluorite is amazing for stress & Anxiety! It helps you to become more grounded & calms your emotions. From looking into fluorite & admiring it’s beauty your brain switches off from thinking about 1001 other things & you get lost in the moment just appreciating it’s beauty.

It comes in a variety of colours including: Green, Red, Blue, Purple, Pink, Yellow & Clear.

Fluorite is known for its calming and stress-reducing properties. It promotes emotional balance and reduces anxiety, allowing those who use it to remain focused and centred. For this reason, many people choose to wear or carry fluorite to manage stress and improve overall mental health.

Fluorite is known for its protective properties. It is believed to shield against negative energy and electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices, helping to keep the body and mind clear and balanced.

A powerful crystal is believed to promote spiritual development and growth. It can be used to help unlock and connect with higher consciousness and open up channels of communication with the divine. People who use fluorite often report an increased sense of inner peace, clarity, and understanding. They also say that it helps them gain access to insights that would normally remain unknown or hidden.

Disclaimer - I am NOT a medical professional & this should not be used in replace of seeking advice from a medical professional or medication.

Rainbow Fluorite Heart

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